The country of varieties – Germany is the land of great history. The gleaming skyscrapers of Germany serve to fulfill the trendy and modern capital city, Berlin, while the traditional and conservative Munich seems as a world away. In this contrast lifestyle of Germany is the bustling and fast-paced Burling which has become a region of tranquil tourism. Although a non-Anglophone nation, Germany has been one of the popular destinations for the hub of international students.
Famed for its technical expertise in automobile and aeronautical engineering, Germany has world-class universities with relatively low tuition fees, extensive support and scholarship schemes for international students. The official language of Germany is German so one would be in better state with the caliber of communicating in German.
If you feel you are the one to do as the Germans do, to learn as the Germans do then you’re at the right place – Plan Education, Putalisadak.